Frequently Asked Questions

Parking Lot Striping

  1. What is parking lot striping?

    • Parking lot striping involves painting lines, markings, and symbols on a parking lot's surface to designate parking spaces, traffic lanes, and other important information.
  2. Why is parking lot striping important?

    • Striping ensures safe and organized parking, traffic flow, and compliance with local regulations. It also enhances the overall appearance of the parking lot.
  3. How often should I restripe my parking lot?

    • It's generally recommended to restripe your parking lot every 1-2 years, but the frequency may vary based on factors like traffic volume and climate conditions.
  4. What types of paint are used for parking lot striping?

    • Common types of paint used for striping include water-based latex paint and oil-based paint. Water-based paint is more environmentally friendly.
  5. Can I choose custom colors for parking lot stripes?

    • Custom colors are possible, but it's advisable to consult local regulations first. Most areas have specific color requirements for handicap spaces, fire lanes, and more.
  6. What are ADA-compliant parking spaces?

    • ADA-compliant parking spaces are designed to meet the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They include features like accessible signage, slopes, and van-accessible spaces.
  7. How can I ensure my parking lot striping complies with local regulations?

    • Consult your local municipal codes and regulations, and work with a professional striping contractor who is familiar with local requirements.
  8. What is the average cost of parking lot striping?

    • The cost varies based on factors like the size of the lot, the complexity of the layout, and the type of paint used. On average, it can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
  9. Can I stripe my own parking lot?

    • While it's possible for small areas, it's recommended to hire a professional striping contractor for accuracy, durability, and compliance with regulations.
  10. How long does it take for freshly striped paint to dry?

    • Drying times vary based on the type of paint used and environmental conditions. Typically, it can take a few hours to overnight for the paint to fully dry.
  11. Do I need to close my parking lot during striping?

    • In many cases, sections of the parking lot can be temporarily closed while striping work is in progress to ensure safety. Your contractor can help with scheduling to minimize disruptions.
  12. Can striping be done in cold or rainy weather?

    • Ideal conditions for striping are dry and mild temperatures. Cold or rainy weather can affect the quality of the striping, so it's best to schedule the work during suitable conditions.

Remember that specific questions and answers may vary based on your location and project details, so it's important to consult with a local striping professional for accurate guidance.


Seal Coating


  1. What is seal coating?

    • Seal coating is a protective layer applied to asphalt surfaces. It consists of a mixture of coal tar pitch or asphalt cement, water, and additives that help protect the pavement from the elements.
  2. Why is seal coating important?

    • Seal coating helps protect asphalt surfaces from UV rays, water, oil, and other chemicals. It extends the life of the pavement and improves its appearance.
  3. How often should I seal coat my asphalt driveway or parking lot?

    • Typically, asphalt surfaces should be seal coated every 2 to 5 years, depending on factors like usage, weather, and the condition of the pavement. Consult a professional for a personalized schedule.
  4. Can I apply seal coating myself?

    • While some homeowners attempt DIY seal coating, it's recommended to hire a professional contractor. They have the expertise and equipment to ensure a proper application.
  5. When is the best time to seal coat asphalt?

    • Spring and early summer are often the best times for seal coating because the weather is usually dry and warm. Avoid seal coating in the rain or extreme heat.
  6. How long does it take for seal coating to dry?

    • Seal coating typically dries within 24 to 48 hours. However, it may take longer in humid or cool conditions.
  7. Can seal coating repair existing cracks and potholes?

    • Seal coating is not intended for repairing major pavement damage. It's primarily a preventive measure. Cracks and potholes should be repaired before applying seal coating.
  8. Does seal coating work on concrete surfaces?

    • Seal coating is specifically designed for asphalt surfaces. For concrete surfaces, a different type of sealant or coating is recommended.
  9. Are there different types of seal coating materials?

    • Yes, there are two main types: coal tar-based and asphalt-based sealers. Both offer protection, but coal tar-based sealers are known for their durability and resistance to chemicals.
  10. Will seal coating make my driveway or parking lot look brand new?

    • Seal coating can significantly improve the appearance of asphalt surfaces, giving them a fresh, dark finish. However, it won't repair major structural issues.
  11. How do I choose a reputable seal coating contractor?

    • Look for experienced contractors with a good reputation and ask for references. Ensure they are licensed, insured, and provide a detailed written estimate.
  12. Can seal coating be applied to newly paved asphalt?

    • New asphalt should cure for at least 90 days before applying seal coating. Consult with your contractor to determine the appropriate timing.
  13. Is seal coating environmentally friendly?

    • Many modern seal coating products are designed to be more environmentally friendly, and some are water-based. Discuss eco-friendly options with your contractor.
  14. How soon should I seal coat after having a new or resurfaced parking lot?

    • You must wait for a minimum of 90-180 days after the parking lot is laid down before seal coating, however, we recommend having seal coat applied to your new/resurfaced parking lot as early as 10 months then at the recommended intervals of every 2-5 years depending on how much traffic you have.

Remember that specific questions and answers may vary based on your location and project details, so it's important to consult with a local seal coating professional for accurate guidance.


Asphalt/Concrete Work/Repairs


  1. What's the difference between asphalt and concrete paving?

    • Asphalt is a flexible material made from a mix of stones and bitumen, while concrete is rigid and made from cement, water, and aggregates. They have different durability, costs, and maintenance requirements.
  2. How long does an asphalt driveway typically last?

    • The lifespan of an asphalt driveway can vary, but with proper maintenance, it can last 15-20 years or more. Harsh weather conditions and heavy use can affect its longevity.
  3. Is concrete or asphalt better for a commercial parking lot?

    • Both materials have their advantages. Concrete is durable but more expensive, while asphalt is cost-effective but may require more maintenance. The choice depends on your specific needs and budget.
  4. What causes cracks in asphalt or concrete surfaces?

    • Cracks can result from various factors, including freeze-thaw cycles, water infiltration, heavy traffic, and the natural settling of the ground. Proper maintenance can help prevent and repair cracks.
  5. What are the steps involved in paving a new driveway?

    • The process typically includes excavation, grading, installing a sub-base, compacting, laying the asphalt or concrete, and finishing touches like edge restraints and sealcoating.
  6. Can I repair cracks and potholes in my driveway myself?

    • Small cracks can be DIY-repaired using sealant, but larger repairs should be handled by professionals. Potholes typically require professional attention to ensure long-lasting fixes.
  7. How can I maintain my asphalt or concrete surface?

    • Regular maintenance includes sealing, crack repair, keeping the surface clean, and addressing any issues promptly. Preventative measures can extend the life of your pavement.
  8. What should I look for in a paving and repair contractor?

    • When hiring a contractor, consider their experience, reputation, insurance, licensing, and past projects. Ask for references and a detailed estimate before making a decision.
  9. Can asphalt or concrete surfaces be resurfaced or overlaid?

    • Yes, both asphalt and concrete surfaces can often be resurfaced or overlaid to extend their lifespan without a complete replacement.
  10. Are there sustainable or eco-friendly paving options available?

    • Yes, there are permeable pavements, which allow water to pass through, reducing runoff. Some materials also incorporate recycled materials, making them more environmentally friendly.

Remember that specific questions and answers may vary based on your location and project details, so it's important to consult with a local asphalt/concrete professional for accurate guidance.

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